The Behringer UFO202 is a compact USB 2.0v audio device designed to record and digitalise your vinyl collection. The perfect way to take your favourite classic LPs anywhere with you. The U-PHONO UFO202 is supremely-easy to use and comes with a bevy of professional software that, not only converts your favorite recordings into a computer-based music library – but removes the scratches and pops so common to vinyl media. State-of-the-art, switchable Line/Phono preamps and digital converters ensure the utmost in sound quality, making the U-PHONO UFO202 Audio Interface a must-have for every audiophile. Now available from all DJ City stores.
Behringer UFO202 External Sound Card
Pay in 4 interest-free payments of $9.75.
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Pay $3.25/mth for 12 months interest free. Fees apply.