Arturia Rackbrute 6U
The Arturia RackBrute 6U provides you with 176HP to store and secure your enviable collection of Eurorack modules in an everlasting yet lightweight aluminium chassis flanked by two wood panels. Once you’re locked and loaded, your modular setup will look and feel like a monolith, yet more flexible than ever thanks the Link fastening system and the paired handle. When on the move, it will make the transport of your modular equipment a walk in the park. When in position, it will let you organize your command center the way you want it. Modules don’t live on love alone, and RackBrute 6U keeps everything alive with its +12V / -12V / +5V power supply.
When you have to hold your position for hours, it’s better to be well set up and to have a clear view of the surroundings. For this reason, we developed the Link system, a convenient and simple-to-use fastening system that allows you to orientate the dedicated handle so that you can give your modular the most tactically advantageous position. Whether prone, crouching, or standing to attention, RackBrute 6U will always be on the lookout, ready for orders.